Voyager Tarot – StarTree - email correspondence course


Tarot is a powerful instrument to learn more about yourself and the situations you’re in.

Not to say what the future holds in store, but to make the future you want happen!

This magic is only possible if you know the meaning of the cards combined with self-knowledge.

This is what you get when you follow the path of the StarTree correspondence course.

 StarTree is a transformational growth path based on the growth process of a tree.  The Course takes you from the seed of your potentials through your roots of foundation to your trunk of manifestation to the branches of personal unfoldment that culminate in the fruits of self-realization (Self-Mastery). Wow!

    Not only is your life transformed through this process, but you gain a thorough understanding of tarot and symbols, which gives you the grounding for giving professional consultations and for using tarot as your own spiritual/personal growth path.

 You get each week (for one year and a day – 52 lessons) a lesson.

In these lessons the meaning of each card is explained and combined with the reading corresponding to the card, you will understand the meaning of this card in your live.

Each Card has its own Reading based on the issues represented the symbols in the Card.

 This course of self mastery costs $ 15,00 /month


Or $ 150 when you pay for the full year now.


administration and sending of this course is done by buro voor tarot